Monday, November 5, 2007

A Fog of Weirdness!

Hello friends! So it's been a few weeks since my last post, and as I sit here avoiding doing any work or homework, the only appropriate thing I could think of to do was write a new post. So here goes.

I've been in a weird phase lately. Have you ever felt like you were in a misty fog of life? You consistenly go through the motions, cause that's what you're supposed to do. . . only to wake up every morning wondering what the heck happened the day before? And no - it's not a hangover. . .i'm comletely sober! :) I've just been in this phase where I feel like my life is one very long/weird dream. There are small, clear glances of reality, but for the most part my life is in a fog of work, classes, and hours spent on itunes trying to find some good new music.

In an attempt to escape this odd fog, I decided yesterday to write some goals. Starting with a better sleeping schedule, I'm going to attempt to re-enter the reality that once was my life. I'm a little nervous however, that these goals aren't going to accomplish such a miracle. What an odd time of life this is. . .

Anyways. . . Is anyone else weirded out by the fact that they're already selling Christmas stuff? For heavens sake people, It's not even thanksgiving! If they start playing a charlie brown christmas instead of regularly scheduled programming. . . i'm going to be upset!